The Innovative Halo 6kW Wind Turbine

Designed specifically to address the energy needs within the expansive telecommunications and agricultural industries


Proven performance

  • 6 kW turbine delivers predictable performance across all wind regimes

  • Highest efficiency of any micro wind turbine

  • 1/2 the size of conventional, open-bladed turbines with same electrical generating capacity

  • 2X the energy production of conventional, open-bladed turbines of same size


Compact Design

  • 12-foot diameter

  • Dimensions similar to most microwave antennae

  • Structural loading equivalent to a 1.6m-diameter microwave antenna


Minimal Siting and installation costs

  • Mounts directly to communications towers

  • No additional land-leasing fees required

  • No geotechnical studies, or foundations, or towers required


Lowest Operational costs

  • Lowest levelized cost of electricity

  • Payback periods of less than 1 year in good wind regimes

  • Vandalism/theft not an issue

Power & Performance

Halo's revolutionary technology enables performance characteristics that produce significant power output

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